Blog of "Let’s get to know each other through photography - knowing me, knowing you" project, developed by 3 Castro Daire, Burnside Business Enterprise College, Gimnasio Kavalas, Gimnazjumim Krajence, Mannesmann Gymnasium and Escola El Cim.
The aims of the project are:
To create opportunities for young people to work together across cultures in Europe
To create opportunites for all schools to develop their understanding of the diversity of European cultures
To encourage young people to become active European citizens
To help young people in their personal development ie chartacter building


This blog is a communication tool for every participant in the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme (L.L.P.). It is a multilateral association of schools in these six countries: Portugal, United Kingdom, Greece, Poland, Germany and Spain.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Our School

El CIM School, with 750 students, is a semi-private school (public school in Britain) managed by a cooperative society of workers, with an antiquity of more than 40 years, which is defined as a Catalan school, plural and opened to everybody.

Coinciding with the beginning of the school year 1995/96, the School moved from an old building to a new one. These new facilities, conceived like another element incorporated to the learning process, opened great future possibilities in an urban frame, which facilitated the educative task. The families of our school belong to a lower middle-class.

The center teaches Pre-School Education, Primary Education and Compulsory Secondary Education.
The main target of the school is the integral formation of its pupils, based on a significant learning, respect towards people and natural and social surroundings. The school is open to integration inside the educative process, reason why in its classrooms there are students with disabilities, and emigrants’ children.

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