Blog of "Let’s get to know each other through photography - knowing me, knowing you" project, developed by 3 Castro Daire, Burnside Business Enterprise College, Gimnasio Kavalas, Gimnazjumim Krajence, Mannesmann Gymnasium and Escola El Cim.
The aims of the project are:
To create opportunities for young people to work together across cultures in Europe
To create opportunites for all schools to develop their understanding of the diversity of European cultures
To encourage young people to become active European citizens
To help young people in their personal development ie chartacter building


This blog is a communication tool for every participant in the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme (L.L.P.). It is a multilateral association of schools in these six countries: Portugal, United Kingdom, Greece, Poland, Germany and Spain.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Participation in projects of international cooperation

Our institution participates in projects of international cooperation with the general purpose of integrating our pupils in Europe. Subjects like democratic organization, permanent dialogue, respect to national diversities and the political and economic reunification of Europe, as well as the respect and conservation of our environment and knowledge of the different realities, are important within our educational project. Therefore, our objectives and priorities are based on improving the formation in the previously mentioned fields.
With our participation in projects of international cooperation we are trying to, apart from improving language learning, fixing the bases so that the pupils in our centre know, appreciate and participate in an active way in the different realities of other countries in Europe, since they will be who, in a future, will have to become aware of their own European citizenship.

Our school is managed by a board team that decides the policy that we have to follow in the field of international activities, but it is the professional teaching staff, divided into different departments and coordinations, who work actively and with a total implication in the elaboration and coordination of different projects.

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